Radio One DMV listeners and followers, please support the
10th Annual “#Send-A-Kid-2-Camp” radiothon on
Thursday, May 4, 2017, 10 a.m to 6 p.m. on 

93.9 KYS FM, MAJIC102.3 FM and PRAISE 104.1 FM
ALB Child Safety Foundation and Miss Community Clooovia 

Call # 301 429-2699

#Send-A-Kid-2-Camp Radiothon

We want kids off of the streets, having fun, taking trips with DC Parks and Recreation and the Montgomery County Recreation Department and Prince Georges County. The  chosen specialty camps will run June thru August in the District of Columbia and various county locations throughout our listening area.

All donations are tax deductible  and will help to quickly fund sending area youth to enjoy exciting and educational summer camp experiences they could not otherwise afford. In return, callers will have the satisfaction of knowing that they have made a difference in the life of a

Our family could not save Alex but we can keep other kids safe. Miss Community Clooovia and the ALB Child Safety Foundation

PLEASE CALL IN YOUR DONATION on Thursday, May 4, 10 am-6pm at. #301 429-2699
donations accepted through May 18th